In-School Attendance Policy
Attendance Secretary: Ms. Roxanne Fus
The Online Attendance Note Submission Form is here
The following absences are excused:
- illness of student
- observance of religious holiday
- court summons (copy of summons required)
- death in the immediate family
- pregnancy and parenting needs
- Motor Vehicle Administration
- Lack of authorized transportation (i.e. school bus does not arrive)
Note: Absences for vacations, family emergencies, traffic concerns, and car trouble are unexcused.
Policies and Procedures
- Anticipated Absences: Students who anticipate being absent should bring a note to their administrator at least 24 hours prior to the absence, e.g., educational experiences, non-MCPS sports, work related school activities.
- College Visits and Educational Experiences: College visits are excused. A parental note must be submitted to the attendance office at least 24 hours in advance.
- Dismissal from Health Room: Students who feel ill during the day must report to the Health Room in order to be excused for early departure. Students dismissed from school by the Health Room must sign out at the Attendance Office. Students must present the Health Room dismissal slip to the Attendance Office. The Attendance Office will enter the excuse into the computer.
- Early Departure Procedures: Students will be excused for early departure only by presenting a note to the Attendance office before 7:45 a.m. No student will be excused without a note. Telephone calls requesting early departure will not be honored. Students will not be permitted to leave without confirmation of note. Only parents and/or persons authorized in writing by parents may pick up a child from school. Parents may designate these other individuals on the emergency information card completed at the beginning of each school year. Parents also may send the school a note authorizing a specific individual to pick up their child. Schools typically contact parents by telephone to confirm such arrangements. Schools will ask the individual to show a photo identification card before releasing a student.
- Excuse Notes: A note from a parent or guardian is required to excuse any absence. A physician’s note is required for any absence of five or more days due to illness. Notes regarding absences must be presented to the student’s first or second period teacher within three days of returning to school. It is the standard policy of the Attendance Office to verify notes excusing absences, tardies, and early departures by telephoning parents/guardians. Notes may also be faxed to 301-649-2930. E-mail is accepted if all required information is included.
The following information must be on all absence/tardy/early departure notes: Student name and ID number, Date of note, Date(s) of and reason for absence/tardy/early dismissal, Current work and home phone numbers, Parent/Guardian name and signature
- Late Arrival: Students arriving after 8:05 must sign in at the Attendance Office. A note from a parent/guardian or physician/dentist citing an excusable absence (see above) is required to excuse any tardies.
- Make-Up Work: Upon returning from an absence, students have three days to make-up work missed during the period of absence. Teachers are obligated to assist students in making up work when the absence is excused; however, they are not obligated to accept missed work when the absence is unexcused. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work they missed and to make arrangements for completion within the three-day time period following their return to school.
- Notification: Automated phone calls are made every evening when a student is marked absent from any class period. Information is also available on StudentVue under the Attendance tab.
- Tardies: Missing twenty minutes of any class constitutes an absence from that class.
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Montgomery Blair High School
51 University Blvd East, Silver Spring, MD 20901-2451
(240) 740-7200
Maryland Tip Line: +1 (833) 632-7233
These pages were created by the Blair Sysops under the supervision of Peter Hammond.