
Health & Physical Education

Phone: (240) 740-7246

Resource Teacher:

McMahon, Mr. Robert







All students must take the 1 full year of Comprehensive Health Education A&B. All students must also complete 1 credit (2 semesters) of Physical Education in order to graduate.


Honors Health education A (HPE2042A)

provides students with the instruction on knowledge and skills necessary to help them make healthful decisions-both now and in the future. Through the implementation of an effective, standards-based health education instructional program, students develop and practice life skills to enhance academic success, and positive behaviors that will equip them to meet the challenges and demands of their lives. The Health promotion and disease prevention concepts presented in this course: Mental and Emotional Health; Substance Abuse Prevention; Safety and Violence Prevention; Family Life and Human Sexuality; Disease Prevention and Control; and Healthy Eating. Health Education aligns with Be Well 365 by emphasizing lifelong positive health-related attitudes and behaviors that promote self-reliance and self-regulation for all students.

Honors Health education B (HPE2042B)

builds on the prerequisite course Honors Health Education A. In this course, students engage further with health promotion concepts. The goal of this course is to engage more through health literacy skill development to promote and support health-enhancing behaviors. The health literacy skills include analyzing influences of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors; accessing valid information; using interpersonal communication skills; demonstrating ability to use decision-making and goal setting skills; practicing health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks; and advocating for personal, family, and community health. Health Education aligns with Be Well 365 by emphasizing lifelong positive health-related attitudes and behaviors that promote self-reliance and self-regulation for all students.

Physical Education

Courses currently offered in P.E. include Foundations of Sport and Fitness, Specialty Basketball, Weight Training, Advanced Weight Training, Soccer, Dance, Latin Dance, Net Games, Yoga, Lifetime Sports, and Group Fitness. For more information on Blair's Physical Education policies, goals, and program information, please click here (en español).

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

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Montgomery Blair High School
51 University Blvd East, Silver Spring, MD 20901-2451
(240) 740-7200
Maryland Tip Line: +1 (833) 632-7233
These pages were created by the Blair Sysops under the supervision of Peter Hammond.

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