Bus schedules are often updated slightly during the first weeks of school, and occasionally during the rest of the school year. Please check back for any updates. Further information about buses is availabe in English and en espaƱol.
Period | Start Time | End Time |
Period 1/2 | 7:45 AM | 9:23 AM |
Period 3/4 | 9:29 AM | 11:00 AM |
Lunch | 11:00 AM | 12:00 PM |
Period 6 | 12:06 PM | 12:53 PM |
Period 7/8 | 12:59 PM | 2:30 PM |
Period 9 | 2:35 PM | 3:20 PM |
Montgomery Blair High School
51 University Blvd East, Silver Spring, MD 20901-2451
(240) 740-7200
Maryland Tip Line: +1 (833) 632-7233
These pages were created by the Blair Sysops under the supervision of Peter Hammond.